Course Detail
Beginner's Drawing: The Face & Head (Ages 10-16)
Fall Session II (Early October)
Eight Weeks, 1 Class Per Week
Fee: $300
Students will discover the fundamentals of drawing the human head with charcoal and graphite. This course will present you with a solid body of foundational information that you can use to develop your skill in drawing the head from life as well as from imagination. Beginning with lessons on planes, proportions and anatomy, including individual features. Basic Drawing skills are required. Instructor will be working with students in a small group setting. Lesson and demonstration are the part of this class. The firm expectation is that each student will improve greatly in the understanding, practice, and production of drawing techniques.
Classes will cover:
Drawing shapes specific to physical features
Contour and shaded drawing exercises
Relationships of the face – front and profile
Drawing specific facial features
Exploring soft/hard edges
Types of shadows/highlights
Refining techniques