Showcase your technical ability in your art portfolio for school
Technical skills are what allow an artist to communicate the message or meaning of a piece. They also give admissions counselors a sense...
Is it ok to join art school not knowing how to draw?
Art schools will, by and large, require that you submit a portfolio in order to get in, and that will include drawing. However, you can...
Oil Portrait
I have to admit. This painting veers outside my comfort level. Rarely do I take time away from drawing to explore a different medium....
Not Indiana Jones; Kentucky Greis
My friend, a graphic designer, "whipped" this up for me after my last art find!
Squire Duveneck Painting Located
I've successfully located this amazing Squire Duveneck painting by Frank Duveneck! The late 19th century oil painting has largely been...
"Amazing Teacher"
When James Gurney refers to you as "AMAZING TEACHER", you raise your hourly rate.
It began with a drawing exercise
This drawing started off as a 45-minute drawing exercise alongside a student. I put a few more hours into it. Graphite and white conte on...
Halloween is here.
A little pumpkin carving to get me in the Halloween spirit.